Excel V+

Be Confident in Your Skin

Revolutionary Treatment for Skin Imperfections

Do you dream about healthier, smoother skin? Vascular and pigmentary skin conditions—like rosacea and sun damage—can cause broken blood vessels, discoloration and lesions. Many people tell us they feel self-conscious about the appearance of their skin. We want you to experience healthy looking skin and the confidence that comes with it. 

With Excel V+ you can:

Reverse the signs of aging & sun damage

Treat rosacea, stubborn veins & redness

Remove scars, blemishes & unwanted hairs


excel v rosacia

Let your true complexion shine

With the innovative Excel V+ laser from Cutera ® you can enjoy a clear, even look in just a few treatments. There’s minimal discomfort and downtime. The one-of-a-kind laser technology successfully and quickly treats challenging vascular and pigmentary conditions and reverses the signs of aging, even removing unwanted hairs and scars on your face, neck, hands, and legs. No more hiding! Dermatology Ottawa is thrilled to offer this advanced laser therapy.

Happy Clients

Precise Laser Technology for Skin Revitalization

The Excel V+ by Cutera ® is the first laser to feature a micro-pulsed energy delivery system that’s so precise and powerful it can break apart the pigment in the deepest lesions without affecting your surrounding, healthy skin. In just a few short in-office treatments, you can eliminate more than 20 common skin concerns including:  

Rosacea and age spots

Spider and reticular veins

Fine lines and wrinkles

Acne and acne scars

In short, you can use the Excel V+ to treat sunspots, veins, wrinkles, scars, unwanted hair, and more on both your face and body.


This is the most advanced aesthetic laser technology to date, featuring the latest generation of dual-wavelength lasers. Excel V + also uses CoolView™ sapphire technology to keep your skin comfortable and cool without the need for numbing gel. Until now, treatment options have been largely limited to procedures that incur adverse side effects, such as electrosurgery, sclerotherapy and surgery. But with Excel V+ you can see astounding results after just 1 to 3 comfortable, fast (typically under 10 minute) treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

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What makes the excel V+ better than other lasers?

The excel V+ is the first laser to feature a micro-pulsed energy delivery system that’s so precise and powerful that it can break apart the pigment in the deepest lesions without affecting your surrounding, healthy skin.


The excel V+ utilizes CoolView™ sapphire technology to keep your skin comfortable and cool without the need for numbing gel, even as it zaps and eliminates:


  • Rosacea
  • Diffuse redness
  • Sunspots
  • Spider veins on the legs (telangiectasias)
  • Cherry angiomas
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Enlarged pores
  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Collagen stimulation
  • Bruises
  • Freckles
  • Mild-to-moderate acne
  • Acne scars and general scars
  • Laser hair removal for small areas (perfect for small areas like armpits)


In short, you can use the excel V+ to treat sunspots, veins, wrinkles, scars, unwanted hair, and more on both your face and body.


You can get the excel V+ at any time, but spring is the perfect time to book some facial rejuvenation and treat pesky spider veins to help get summer-ready.

Does the excel V+ treat large lesions, too?

The excel V+ features advanced technology that breaks apart and eliminates excess pigment in lesions ranging in size from just 2 mm to as large as 16 mm in diameter (smaller than a pencil eraser to the size of a penny). Your Ottawa Dermatology expert adjusts the scope of the laser’s delivery in minute increments to ensure that all of the heat is delivered to the hyperpigmented regions of your skin or to visible veins and lesions.

Why does the excel V+ feature two different wavelengths?

The excel V+ lets your clinician choose from two clinically proven wavelengths — micro-pulsed 532 nm and 1064 nm — so that they can treat both superficial and deep lesions, veins, and wrinkles. Your clinician adjusts the wavelength depending on the type of lesion they’re treating. Cutera’s unique truPulse technology guarantees consistent, reliable outcomes.

How does the excel V+ remove hyperpigmentation and redness?

Hyperpigmentation is a condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin. When you want to eliminate visible red veins, hyperpigmented lesions, or diffuse redness, your clinician targets the chromophores melanin and oxyhemoglobin. These two pigments are responsible for the red and brown color of unsightly lesions and veins. The laser energy breaks up the pigment so that your body can process it and eliminate it over time.


You may notice that your skin looks clearer after just one treatment. Some lesions may dry up and flake off over the next several weeks. As your skin rebuilds itself over the next weeks to months, you’ll notice that your complexion is clear, even, smooth, and free from disfiguring veins and spots.

How does this laser improve wrinkles and scars?

The laser energy from excel V+ can be directed at fine lines and wrinkles to stimulate neocollagenesis, which is a technical word for the healing process in which your skin starts to rebuild itself with the building blocks collagen and elastin. The laser’s energy can also break up the disordered collagen in scars and stimulate neocollagenesis to rebuild smoother, more orderly skin. For shallow, pitted scars — such as acne scars — the laser stimulates the growth of healthy new skin to fill out the depression so that your skin is smoother and more even. To learn more about the excel V+, visit cutera.com

Does this treatment hurt?

The excel V+ targets its micro-pulsed energy to the treated lesions, veins, and wrinkles only, so that your surrounding, healthy skin is untouched. The excel V+ also features advanced CoolView technology that uses the power of sapphires to keep your skin at a comfortable temperature throughout your treatment, without the need for numbing creams or gels or any type of anesthetic.

How long do excel V+ treatments take?

Your clear-skin and rejuvenating treatments with the excel V+ are up to five times faster than those of other lasers. You can schedule your session during your lunch hour, or in the middle of a busy day without creating a time pinch.


Depending on your needs, you may need a series of treatments to get the improvement you desire. Our team can book your follow-up treatments ahead of time and send reminders when necessary. While you may notice an improvement in your skin’s clarity and tone directly after your first treatment, the benefits continue to accrue over the 2-4 months as your skin rebuilds itself with new collagen and elastin.

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